Author Archives: luciee4267276539

If you wish to build flexible layouts in your app then FlexboxLayout (open source Android layout manager) is the perfect solution for you. Lucidchart is a cloud-based solution known for its extensive selection of templates and libraries, user-friendliness, functionality, and sleek appearance. The selection process is based on bringing together a diverse group of practitioners, both in terms of art background (previous Peers have included painters, print makers, film makers, architects from institutions as well as amateurs who display exceptional talent) as well as from cities and towns all over India. Focusing on the broad principles of creating a sustainable social, cultural, economic and physical environment we utilize the region, from its major cities to its national parks, as the canvas for our teaching, research and creative activities. As part of the workshop delegates schedule of visits included different places across India from old cities to rural hamlets to understand different aspects of designing prevailing in these places.

A team of 40 students and 10 teachers from colleges from countries from across the globe will be part of an annual international workshop held in India this year for the first time. The Department of Architecture offers a special opportunity to major in both Architecture and Interior Architecture without adding significant time to the […]

We are involved in pro bono work to benefit rural areas of India, designing schools and other facilities in villages that have no access to education. The work of David Hertz Architects Inc, Studio of Environmental Architecture (SEA), focuses on designing and constructing environmentally responsible residential and commercial buildings. Kotlin’s features like Conciseness, Android Studio support and Interoperability with Java were reasons enough for Google to make the official switch from Java to Kotlin. It has successfully replaced Java as the primary choice for app development across the world. For Instance, consider developing a mobile app based on HTML5, incorporate features which are compatible with the web browser. The main purpose of developing this library was to make the code easy to read and clean. Choosing the appropriate PHP framework is essential for developing progressive web applications in the transformational world of web development. It is a dependable PHP framework since it conforms to exact and expressive language requirements. The low server requirements offered allow it to deploy the project on different hosting platforms.

Device Testing: As stated earlier, the advantage of using the framework of HTML5 is the fact that it can be tested in any local server. Framework for Mobile Application based on HTML5: The main reason behind using HTML5 for creating apps is the framework provided by the same. In simpler terms, a hybrid is displayed […]