Author Archives: kourtneycoffey0

Taking into account location, context, and other inherent attributes of a specific project, we strive to create a balanced whole, integrating the structure and the environment. This ranking list will be updated annually, taking into account new achievements of Seattle architecture firms throughout the year. Starting as a humble timber town in the 19th century, post-industrial Seattle was violently destroyed after the 1889 Great Seattle Fire razed much of the downtown area. In the 15th century, the Duke of Milan ordered an expansion of the Visconti Castle, now known as Castello Sforzesco, which houses a cluster of specialized museums, including the Museum of Ancient Art, home to frescoes by Leonardo da Vinci. The museum houses an exemplary collection of 20th-century works almost exclusively by Italian artists. Diversified local culture and lifestyle of each individual which are aroused and conveyed to the main works are the rich sources defining the characteristics of our architectures. The slightly cooler months are between October and March. The Northern face has lesser openings on the upper levels as it faces the sun during the hottest period for almost four months. The few openings have deep set windows to cut down the critical sun angle The lower levels having glazed sliding doors which are shaded by a bio-canopy of an evergreen indigenous flowering creeper, jasmine flower ‘nithyamalli’.

We are involved in pro bono work to benefit rural areas of India, designing schools and other facilities in villages that have no access to education. The firm began its creative existence in 1966 with the architect Jim Olson, whose work at that time centered on explorations of the relationship between dwellings and the landscapes […]